In Portugal, the tourism sector is still growing, in result of the enormous historical, cultural and landscape wealth the country has to offer.
There is no doubt that hotels, rural tourism and housing facilities are an increasingly secure investment, but you have to consider that this kind of touristic equipments have to fulfill strict rules, being subject to regular and demanding inspections.
When there is support from European Community Funds, the need to fulfill the Law in force is even more relevant, under the penalty of being prevented from obtaining the proper Licenses for Use.
Simultaneously, the quality patterns are each day more rigorous, in face of a growing competition and because of a demand that only satisfies itself with the best. But it is not only fundamental to pay attention to quality, you have also to be careful with the existing services amount, and with the spaces´ dimension and organization.
A tourist development – wether it is a five-star hotel, a hostel, an apartment or holiday village, a resort, a guest house, a country house – is so much more than just a space where to go to sleep. It is at this point that the architect´s role is more relevant, in the capacity to evidence the space´s "je ne sais quois", which is essential to differentiate it from the competition.
The architectonic and engineering project is also the best way to plan a strict management of the space, ensuring meanwhile a comfortable and cozy ambience, so that the client/tourist comes back again and again and go tell the friends and acquaintances - the word of mouth is the most effective marketing.