Public or private infrastructures demand extremely durable solutions because they are subject to great wear and tear.
We are talking about a great range of infrastructures, such as roads, sanitation, electric power, water, sewage or support for any type of equipment, wether civil, municipal or public works, which will require thoughtful planning, under penalty of serious consequences, in terms of people´s safety and health.
In particular in the public works domain, comes into play the public fundings good management and is therefore, indispensable plan the project in order to ensure that there is no unnecessary slippage in the implementation phase, as well as in subsequent maintenance.
This works may be subject of public contests, through the public contracting regime, or be the subject of a direct adjustment, in the case there are advantageous proposals.
In this way, the architect´s and engineer´s role is vital in all the process, not just to find thermic and energetic efficient and innovative solutions, but also to guarantee the careful compliance of Law and also to ensure due cost containment and compliance with deadlines.